Thursday, December 10, 2009

Final Bill of Materials

Item-Supplier-Function or Use
  1. 3/8" Steel Threaded Rod-Crib-Leadscrew
  2. 1" Diameter PVC Rod-Kit-Telescoping Arm
  3. 3/4" Diameter PVC Rod-Kit-Telescoping Arm
  4. 1/4" Diameter Aluminum Rod-Kit-Telescoping Arm and Vertical Motor Shaft
  5. 1/8" Diameter Steel Rod-*Home-Telescoping Arm
  6. 1" Diameter Round Aluminum Stock-Machine Shop-Telescoping Arm
  7. 1/4" Flanged SS Bearings(Quantity-3)-Kit+Crib-Horizontal Motor+Vertical Motor
  8. 1/4" Flanged Bushing-Kit-Vertical Motor
  9. 1/8" 90 Degree Aluminum Angle-Kit-Pillow Blocks
  10. 12" Velcro-Kit-Base and Motor Box
  11. Electrical Tape-*Home+Crib-Bottom Flap
  12. Planetary Gearbox Kit(Quantity-2)-Kit-Motors
  13. 1/4" E-clips(Quantity-2)-Kit-Telescoping Arm
  14. 1/8" E-clips(Quantity-2)-Machine Shop-Telescoping Arm
  15. 1.5"x1.5" Aluminum Square Stock-Machine Shop-Base for Motor
  16. 1/2" Plywood-*Home-Motor Box
  17. #6 Machine Screws-Machine Shop+Crib-Motors
  18. #6 Wood Screws-*Home-Motors
  19. #10 Wood Screws-*Home-Motors+Motor Box
  20. 1/4" Hex Nuts-Crib-Base, L-Brackets
  21. 3/8" Plastic Tubing-*Home-Wires
  22. Kite String-*Home-Pin Device
  23. Needle-*Home-Pin Device
  24. Buna-N Sheet-Kit-Arena Protection
  25. Wire-Crib-Motors
  26. 1/16" Aluminum Plate-Kit-Motor Box, L-Brackets
  27. Banana Nuts-Crib-Motors
  28. 3.75"x9" Plexiglass-*Home-Motor Box
Note-*Home indicates an item that was supplied from a team member's household. The price is negligible.

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