Monday, November 23, 2009


Last week, we started our manufacturing of our parts.  We turned the smaller diameter PVC on the lathe, and cut a slot down both sides of it.  We also created the first of many pegs we will be making to connect our pieces.  PVC, it turns out, is very difficult to machine, especially when it is in the tube form.  Our PVC needed to be filed down a bunch before it was smooth enough.  We also had some difficulty with the slot, since it weakened the PVC and made it bend.  We've completed the smaller PVC, and are currently working on machining the larger diameter PVC and the flap.  Once we're done with these parts, we'll move from our Most Critical Module onto the other parts of our machine, focusing especially on the leadscrew and motor connection.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Inital Manufacturing

Hi there!

We finished our exam in this class, so now we don't have any more lecture, and can focus on completing our machine. We have signed up for a 2 hour slot for the mill and the lathe this evening, so we're looking forward to getting our PVC machined. We will need to turn the outside of the smaller PVC pipe to make the arm telescope properly. Once we get the PVC arm working, we will need to design a way to make the arm drop down when the competition begins.

Here's a picture of our pipes before manufacturing.  Once we have them machined, we'll post a picture or a video of the telescoping motion.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One month until the competition

Hey there!

The competition design expo is in exactly one month! We reviewed our Most Critical Module with Jean last Friday, and we should be able to start manufacturing sometime soon. We also have to finish the motor lab and homework this week. Once we start manufacturing, I'll post some pictures of completed parts.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mid-week update

This week, we're working on doing our Most Critical Module Engineering. For our MCM, we're doing the arm that we will use to push the ping-pong balls over the dividing wall. There are 4 parts which need any intensive manufacturing. One problem we have discovered with our plan is that the PVC pipes do not telescope the way we thought they would. This means we'll have to use the lathe to remove some of the outer diameter on the smaller part. Once we have finished our engineering drawings of the module, we'll make a step-by-step manufacturing process, and hopefully be able to start making it next week!